frugal living Featured Frugal Living Frugal living - Old fashion sustainable living Remember, we could buy: 1. Half a coconut - just enough 2. A cube of Butter 3. Cutting chai, even then 4. One laddoo at the mithai shop 5. One lollypop, one ravalgaon sweet 6. Lemon - soda mix to share with friends
Knowledge, Wisdom, Force & Strength Simple satings by Alfred Knowing others is Knowledge knowing yourself is Wisdom, Mastering others require Force Mastering oneself requires Strength - Lao Tsu Knowledge SSC, Int. science, COP II, Minicomputers & Microprocessors, Advance Management Program Wisdom Believe in your ideas Trust People but Check Start in Time Play the game
Featured 5G - Simple sayings by Alfred Some of the technological advancements that we grew up with in our life time Cordless phone Mobile 2G, 3G, 4G and now 5G to come WiMax Wifi ATM Credit/Debit card Online Boarding pass Toll payments Ola, Uber, Online Shopping Computerised Janaam Patri - Astral Chart Computerized Mark sheet/Report
Be like a Child not Childish - simple sayings by alfred Not all of us are Blessed to have the company of Children as I am, with my granddaughter Inaaya, who is a source of Joy, Inspiration and Learning. She keeps me on my toes Next best thing to do is to teach or be a Mentor which necessarily will involve
Life is a Banquet - simple sayings by alfred Last evening (some months back) a dear friend, philosopher and guide hosted Neelu and me to a 14 course meal at a very fancy restaurant. The food was exquisite, the ambience perfect, the conversation as always very invigorating. No complaints. Here is what I learnt and just wrote a good
'Letting Go' simple sayings by alfred After the great rains, the lion was faced with crossing the river that had encircled him. Swimming was not his nature; but it was either cross or die. The lion roared and charged the river, almost drowning before he retreated. Many more times he attacked the water, and each time
Featured In order to truly relish the fruit check the roots of the tree - simple sayings by alfred many versions of the Truth - simple truth by alfred
All Axioms in life need to be reviewed - simple sayings by alfred We have all been brought up and educated by Axioms laid down by great thinkers, philosophers and teachers. However, recognize the ones you have adopted and adapted into your own personality for convenience. Like Situational Leadership Principles, we all need to know which axioms to shed and which to use
Sometimes to go back in time Inspiration for me - simple sayings by alfred Loved this poem-Poet not known Sometimes,I feel I want to go back in time...Not to change things, but to feel a couple of things twice.. Sometimes, I wish I was a Baby for a while...Not to be walked in the pram but to see my Mother'
How to get more out of everything - simple sayings by alfred My humble understanding of "more" consists of two elements or relative terms More of what you already are or Additional dimensions to what you already are If you admonish the bad driving of a taxi driver, he usually will scorn and say, "are you trying to teach
Featured Sing and Dance always - simple sayings by alfred Today saw the following link shared by a friend about his dad's favorite song: [] The classic, "Singing in the rain" by Gene Kelly My own favorite is Bachpan ka Sawaan [
Featured You should be part of a Gang - Simple Sayings by Alfred With the early signs of the south west monsoon visiting Mumbai, one of the most prettiest site is the flight of Migratory Birds; Also, the crows, eagles and other birds busy tugging at twigs in your garden for building their nests; Our "Ramu" the friendly lame Crow who
Technology - Be thankful - simple sayings by alfred Where do I begin. I was rudely woken up by the siri announcing an incoming call while I was asleep listening with my bluetooth headphones. This device alone has made my cutting off my thoughts so easy, to put me to sleep. This simple device has so many technologies built
Noah's Ark - simple sayings by alfred Our world has just come out of a virtual shut down and many parts are still struggling with the Pandemic - Despite our Modernity and Technology. With the War in Ukraine we are staring at a new world order or should i say disorder - reaked with selfishness, greed and
Share and spread good ideas, thoughts and stories Great insights for all my young friends; We older folks, it's never too late to contemplate and learn Enjoy!! alfred One of the Best talks on "Enough" thoughts and ideas to share
Featured Dirty Your hands - simple sayings by alfred Nothing worthwhile in life is learnt without dirtying your hands Here are some examples out of my own personal life. Blew a fuse!! As a young boy, I tried to emulate my elder brother for testing live electric circuits; shorted the line and blew the fuse of the entire house.
Featured Share and spread good ideas, thoughts & stories - alfred Atomic steps Click and check this video tutorial amd arm yourself to bring quantum changes in your life []
Featured On the Seventh Day Even God Rested on the Seventh Day - Simple Sayings by Alfred The good book says that “And God Rested on the Seventh Day” Many temples have a time fixed during the day when the Deity is allowed rest and no visitors are allowed So Rest is a must for
Life Learning From Pets Bridge the Gap Every morning, Dubee and Dexter my pets, are either outside my bedroom door or rush up the steps to greet me as i walk down for my morning tea. They continue to tail me until i have settled down with my cup of tea after checking the
Age with Grace Age with Grace - Simple sayings by Alfred Have an enquiring mind “Why is your hair white” asked Inaaya, my grand daugher I said, because i am old Then she asked, “why are you old” Then i asked myself, why do we have tell-tale signs of ““Growing Old”” Why does
time heal resource Time does not heal - Simple sayings by Alfred Time does not Heal - Simple sayings by Alfred Time does not heal but what you do in the time, heals I want to recollect some of my difficult and challenging times and silently remember how the above saying is true If something has not healed its mainly because i
Time - Does not heal Time does not Heal - Simple sayings by Alfred Time does not heal but what you do in the time, heals I want to recollect some of my difficult and challenging times and silently remember how the above saying is true If something has not healed its mainly because i