The ultimate state of mind to be - simple realization by alfred Today is my wife Nalini’s Birthday. Over 40 years that we have been married I have given her many gifts including once began, to give her a gift every single day for one whole year (it ended with lots of fun and JOY). Today, I have committed to spend
Featured Just Be - simple sayings by alfred From a popular song i often hum to myself “Yesterday is dead and gone. Tomorrow is out of sight” Makes me realise and remember, All we have is TODAY that too just this moment NOW Make it COUNT/MATTER Find someone, something, even to yourself, yes there is nothing selfish
You are the "Creator" simple fact, by alfred Conceive – a simple idea from Alfred I recently read someone say, Ideas are like Assholes. Everyone has one. It’s what you do with the ideas that sets you apart. The Paris Olympic opening is a good inspiration to all of us, however late in life , to be doers with
Measure yourseld Measure your life - Simple saying by alfred Time does not exist. We invented it. Recall my thoughts on same Same way, all forms of Measurement has been created by someone, got accepted by Science, then Society, Economy, Then popular belief and day to day living. But, what about the measurements you have created for yourself using the
Featured Old Head on Young Shoulders - Many ways to grey Last evening had friends over for drinks and dinner. A Dramatist, Football player and A Spokesperson for a National Political Party, and An Ex Banker who is an avid Sports Enthusiast and Collector and Connoisseur of Bollywood Old Hindi songs of the Black and White Era. I was so privileged
Time, Health & Relationships - simple sayings by alfred Trust & Faith are the only 2 ingredients needed to ensure that you GROW with/In Time, Health & Relationships How do you have and develop Trust and Faith Start by being worthy of Trust (Trustworthy) and have Faith in yourself (Faithful) This will attract and repel the right kind
Time is man-made – Simple sayings by Alfred Everything connected with TIME is fallible and meant for convenience of neolithic man Let me simply give my view Why do we wait for the end of the calendar year, today 31st of December to send wishes to each other for such matters like, Health, Peace, Prosperity & Joy. Yes,
Consistency - your Search light in Life Look for Consistency – Simple Sayings by Alfred The day I stop learning is the day, I want to die. Want to share my latest learning for LIFE. Better late than never. I have made the mistake consistently all these years and have now today, vowed never to make the same
strategy Featured Strategy for Life - simple suggestion by alfred Burn your bridges / boats Vs Exit Strategy – Simple strategy by Alfred. How often have you heard the following adages to ensure success: “Burn your bridges” “Your best will come when your backs are to the wall” Have a “Do or Die Attitude” Then again, I was inspired by a movie
Featured Healing Mantra!! Mantra - simply by alfred In my humble opinion, simply put, it is a rhythmic chanting that blocks out all other sounds through the most difficult sense organ to shut voluntarily - your ears. It’s called deadening the unwanted sounds Focusing on the Mantra, means, all the other senses
Take a Break - simple sayings by alfred We need a Break in everything that we do starting with the BreakFast. Had fried eggs and toast my favorite Sunday morning Breakfast Last night took a Break. Thanks to Pooja's initiative to take me to a Movie Hall. Treated me fultu with Caramel Popcorn and Hot Dog,
Featured Change - The Only Constant in our Lives - Simply be alive to the change and embrace it Today morning, like all mornings was out with my morning cup of tea and was welcomed by the pleasant site of the Moon. Yes early morning moon!! The pre monsson squall is so pleasant with cool winds blowing, reminding us that the heavens will soon rain down on us bringing,
Learning a life long journey Featured Social Learning - Simple sayings by alfred life-long-learning-simple-sayings-by-alfred
Featured I want more tears - simple sayings by Alfred This morning on Easter Sunday, I got up pledging to all my friends that I will stand by them. This brought in real tears into my eyes. I want more tears like these to flow The only times I cry tears of Joy, Appreciation and Awe is when, I am
Featured Let's play opposites - simple sayings by alfred Today morning, Inaaya woke me up, not only with her "Let's play" smile but also said "Let's play Opposites' one of my favorite games with her Remember, I had said many things about LIFE but don't remember if i also
Featured "Me Time" simple sayings by Alfred Who owns TIME - You So then, what is this "Me Time" everybody is talking about Have you seen a child behave, speak or say, if at all, in a manner of speaking that she requires "Me Time" Instead we often say that Children are "
Featured Let's Play - simple sayings by Alfred The first thing Inaaya said to me this morning on waking up is - "Let's Play" How many of us get up with this Playful attitude and play with the day "Let's Play" is the abbreviation for "Let Us Play"
Be grounded Simple Sayings by Alfred I have wondered, how we take such simple things for granted, like walking Bare feet sometimes if not always Stay grounded they say. The hard and often uneven surface brings your conciousness down to realty; Smooth and soft grass, lulls us into the beauty in Nature; How much we are
Cherish the Truth Seekers Cherish those who seek the truth but beware of those who find it - Voltaire Everytime somebody thought she found the truth, started a religion - quite a controversial statement. But, think about it. Have an open mind Buddha and Swam Vivekanand encouraged us to question Hinduism did not position
Create moments that will become Happy Memories - Simple sayings by Alfred Just take care to include as many loved ones as possible in this tapestry of love (moments) to be embedded in your memory Likewise, if you are part of somebody’s memory, its then a fulfilled life Never too late, Remember, what is today, is a future you had worked
frugal living Featured Frugal Living Frugal living - Old fashion sustainable living Remember, we could buy: 1. Half a coconut - just enough 2. A cube of Butter 3. Cutting chai, even then 4. One laddoo at the mithai shop 5. One lollypop, one ravalgaon sweet 6. Lemon - soda mix to share with friends
Knowledge, Wisdom, Force & Strength Simple satings by Alfred Knowing others is Knowledge knowing yourself is Wisdom, Mastering others require Force Mastering oneself requires Strength - Lao Tsu Knowledge SSC, Int. science, COP II, Minicomputers & Microprocessors, Advance Management Program Wisdom Believe in your ideas Trust People but Check Start in Time Play the game
Featured 5G - Simple sayings by Alfred Some of the technological advancements that we grew up with in our life time Cordless phone Mobile 2G, 3G, 4G and now 5G to come WiMax Wifi ATM Credit/Debit card Online Boarding pass Toll payments Ola, Uber, Online Shopping Computerised Janaam Patri - Astral Chart Computerized Mark sheet/Report