Let's Play - simple sayings by Alfred

Let's Play - simple sayings by Alfred
Your Mind as SEEN By Skin Eyes Ears and Nose 

The first thing Inaaya said to me this morning on waking up is - "Let's Play"

How many of us get up with this Playful attitude and play with the day

"Let's Play" is the abbreviation for "Let Us Play" The literal sense of which should mean at most times as spoken to those around us -
Invoking the cooperation of others.

Direct this inwards, towards your own self - The US in us

The US in us - needs no invitation. They are fully under our command and control

It is our body mainly through our Senses and the accumulation of all our memories in  Our Minds

Start the day, by commanding our senses to follow and not our minds

Eyes - to see the beauty around us in everything and anything. Starting with the warm soft bed; safe environment of the bedroom; sunshine through our window --

Ears - The birds on your window sill or even the cacophony of the street below --

Nose - Smell the person next to you in bed; the aroma of coffee; even the dust --

Skin - Feel your relaxed facial muscles; fingers, toes, tummy, hair, smile --

If you take the first letters of all the senses it reads as :
Skin Ears Eyes Nose - "SEEN" So your mind is comprised of what you have SEEN

So if you control what you have SEEN you control your mind

Start the day by inviting yourself the "US" within YOU to PLAY

Have a great Sunday