Age with Grace
Age with Grace - Simple sayings by Alfred
Have an enquiring mind
“Why is your hair white” asked Inaaya, my grand daugher
I said, because i am old
Then she asked,
“why are you old”
Then i asked myself, why do we have tell-tale signs of ““Growing Old””
Why does the world want to hide “Old Age”
Dyeing, wigs, contact lenses, botox, cosmetic surgeries, dressing, etc
Ia it because, we want to escape from reality and the obvious
Go with the flow.
Watch a surfer riding the waves. He succeeds only when he rides the waves
You never win by opposing nature.
Go with the ‚«flow»‘ and get the »glow «
Be your age in whatever age and you will Develop a Grace, Poise and Confidence no amount of Make up, Dressing, surgery and coaching can give
Nature gives you your best Bespoke, made to order, one of a kind look.
Carry it like a badge of honor, knowing that it is one of a kind, higher than “Limited Edition” tag
The only cosmetics you need is to, carry your Knowledge, Wisdom & Strength you have gained, during this Lifetime
Know that you have the best Wardrobe in the world - Your Bare Body