Time does not heal - Simple sayings by Alfred

Time does not Heal - Simple sayings by Alfred

Time does not heal but what you do in the time, heals

I want to recollect some of my difficult and challenging times and silently remember how the above saying is true

If something has not healed its mainly because i have not let go or truly forgiven,


Forgiveness is a strange medicine,

If you give it to others

It heals the wounds in

your heart.

  1. When i decided to drop off Pursuing science
  2. Readjusting to life outside of a sea career
  3. Having to move a writ for wrongful termination of contract - something like the Covid crisis
  4. Being robbed of my rightful service charge and threatened instead
  5. Cheated - Big time, and having to shut down my first enterprise
  6. Start life all over again with a two month consultancy assignment
  7. Market Cartel working against me
  8. Some of my best friends turning not only ungrateful but back stabbers ..........

The saga continues, even today But i don’t stop trusting.

I have learnt, i think

Have been taught Trust but inspect, check, recheck

Most of all, if i have survived, its because of what i did in the time that really did the healing

i have no anger, no regrets, no rancour

Where did i get my heart to forgive - something to share in a longer post or for those interested “one to one”

I have still a list (last count 84) handy on my iPhone of difficult times i overcame with my head high, that inspires me to carry on with my time the right way to heal and succeed

Go on, Heal yourself, you need time with the right mindset and approach

while the most precious of all resources, is given equally and freely to each of us - Embrace it, make it your shield, weapon, balm, retreat -