My Axioms - Simple sayings by Alfred

Seek and you shall find - Simple sayings by Alfred

Some old sayings that are a great source of inspiration to me:

  1. Raat bar ka hai mehman andhera
  2. Even the darkest cloud has a silver lining
  3. No war is won by winning all battles
  4. (my own) Life is a game. Recognise the game at each moment and play it by its rules. You won’t come out hurt.
  5. To work you have a right but not to it’s result (Bhagwat Gita)
  6. Everything you ever needed; everything that you need; everything that you will need, was and is within YOU
  7. (My own) The Greatest Truths of the world are simple. That is why you tend to ignore them
  8. (My own) Honest we all are. To be frank with each-other is difficult

Please share your favourite sayings, axioms and truths.

„Knowledge is meant to be shared. The more you share, the more you gain“