"Me Time" simple sayings by Alfred

Who owns TIME - You
So then, what is this "Me Time" everybody is talking about

Have you seen a child behave, speak or say, if at all, in a manner of speaking  that she requires "Me Time"

Instead we often say that Children are "attention seekers" and annoying sometimes. Its simply that they go about owning what is theirs including their time with you.

Be Childlike and take what is yours - Yes "Your Time"

Every moment of the day and night is "Your Time" Then what is "Me Time"

If you own your time by being fully responsible for it, then "Your Time" is "Me Time"

Generally, it is felt that to have or experience "Me Time" you need to: Isolate yourself; quieten yourself; listen to your kind of Music; Be in your kind of place; eat, drink and even smoke your kind of stuff; hang out with your kind of company, and
Often implies that, you have to earn it or treat yourself to "Me Time"
So what do you do, even choose the toxic treats involving Food, Technology, or Shopping

Start right now, this instant and claim what is yours for the asking.
That way you will be more careful with How, Who & What is using your "Me Time"

All time is yours. embrace your "Me Time" it's that simple.