Social Learning - Simple sayings by alfred

I have been telling Inaaya, my grand daugther the story of the "Thirsty Crow" and called the crow many things besides "Clever" and "Intelligent"

The animal kingdom for millions of years has learnt during evolution by community living.

We are so lucky today. The internet connects the whole planet instantly at will with no time zones, no weather breakdowns, no predators, virtually no restrictions - Visas included. We also have the dark net that works for some amongst us.

Therefore, we can learn from Downunder to the antarctica, artic regions, cold Alaska to the dry Savannah; the winding Amazon; including the Galapicos Islands where Darwin got his inspiration and
are very own Andaman & Nicobar islands

The day i stop learning is the day I want to Die

Having started with the story of the "Thirsty Crow" here is an interesting video that is so inspiring.
Thanks to the determined researchers we can be so so inspired from their work.

But, what is the moral of the story.

Thanks to a friend who gave me way back the gift of "How things Work" a book in 2 volumes i have been learning atleast one new thing every day.
My mum encoraged us to learn one new word everyday using the Dictionary.

Both meant making an effort which is now become so much simpler - a click away

You dont have to go far even your every day Excel, and Word has new features you can learn everyday.

End this monday evening and for those where it is monday morning,
Click to learn - Its that simple

Be inspired by playing this clip till the end.