Don’t be prisoners of your own mind – simple sayings by Alfred

Check this phenomenon of the hornbill, one of many inspiring in Nature

From our mother’s womb to the grave, we all are in some form of protection, preservation or temporary situations that could be viewed as protective custody for our own good

Society has built many rituals, traditions and systems to keep us or keep a legacy for posterity.

Most of them are and can be good such as:
Neighbourhood club
School/College Alumni
Social club
Professional Associations
Political and Ideological groups

Biggest and the most endearing of them all – Religion

Besides, all above, how many have you created out of your own unique personality, sometimes even without realizing!!From the simple:
Personal hygiene
Sleeping and waking hours
Judgmental exercises
Biases (Likes and Dislikes)
Fears and Phobias
Yearnings, ambitions and goals

Every single one of them as the saying goes could be good or bad depending on the age, situation, company, just as “One man’s food is another man’s poison”
The Ying & Yang of anything, situation or feeling

Take stock of your life’s creation. Be honest to yourself. Confront your ownself in the deepest recesses of your soul.

All you need to do is,
Decide, which one’s :
you need to reinforce,
which ones to modify and
which ones to break away from.

The time is NOW

Breakaway from old habits, fears, phobias, friendships, associations, beliefs, - anything that will give you a new lease, a new possibility and most of all -
Freedom from the old and the past that needs to be shed away.

Try it, it’s simple.
Afterall, you are a prisoner of your own mind. Set yourself free!!!