Consistency - your Search light in Life
Look for Consistency – Simple Sayings by Alfred
The day I stop learning is the day, I want to die.
Want to share my latest learning for LIFE.
Better late than never.
I have made the mistake consistently all these years and have now today, vowed never to make the same mistake again.
I am going to watch out for One Trick Ponies in the Circus of Life
Was so impressed by the story narrated by a person. He was witness to his boss committing a heinous crime in a fit of rage. He claimed he had stood steadfast and refused to various pressures of the Police and Society to bear witness against his Boss.
I thought this was a man to be trusted to be loyal and for all qualities that go alone with Loyalty.
Over a period of 10 years, gave him very large responsibilities within my businesses and he betrayed me in the worst possible manner one can imagine.
Gave an opportunity to a girl who was doing several jobs to meet two ends meet for her family.
She was Cooking in the morning for a family;
8 hours of office menial jobs and nights helping her father look after a roadside stall.
Gave her a comfortable job in our office with an opportunity to learn and grow in a 8 hour job to cover all her needs and more, to support her family.
She not only did not grow and improve but showed arrogance, insubordination and rude behavior to those less unfortunate around her.
Today is her last day In our office.
Came to know a staff member and his wife, who got up early and cleaned and washed several dispensaries and shops in their neighbourhood before coming to work in our office for an 8-hour job.
Took special care of him impressed by his hard working nature.
Realized later that he was hard working due to circumstances and need.
Over a period of time took my pity for granted and don’t even want to say the ways in which he proved utterly ungrateful.
He is also no more in the organization
Just last month was introduced to a new person by a friend, whom I greatly respect. Was very impressed by the early signs of this person’s attitude to keep in touch with regular communication. Was thoroughly impressed when even with sudden emergencies and death within his family he kept on his good communications.
So impressed by this quality, not only gave him large opportunities to work on but had big plans to engage him for future large responsibilities and projects.
No, no, have now learnt my lesson.
Will wait and see for a consistent behaviour from him, under various conditions before building a circus around a one trick pony
Look for consistency always and you will not be let down – simple sayings by Alfred