Change - The Only Constant in our Lives - Simply be alive to the change and embrace it

Today morning, like all mornings was out with my morning cup of tea and was welcomed by the pleasant site of the Moon. Yes early morning moon!!

The pre monsson squall is so pleasant with cool winds blowing, reminding us that the heavens will soon rain down on us bringing,  
Joy, Romance, Succour, Relief, and  
time for garam garam chai with Pokaras.

To a special friend i look forward to  host an evening with song, drinks and Egg Party

Was so happy to hear from a friend who has struggled through a painful treatment having renewed energy to face any futher challenges in life

A call from my school friend reminding me of my visit to his home this evening where another school friend will also join

I was looking into what the sight of the morning moon, held any significant sign for me:

While nature works with clock-work precision despite the changes we see due to the Al Nino Effect, ALL is actually factored in by Nature for the changes and abuses we have brought upon ourselves.
Hopefully, generations after us will be able to predict all these changes into new season patterns and timings assisted by even more powereful tools aided by super computers replaced by Quantum Computing, Machine Learning and Artificial Intellegence.

Meanwhile, at our individual level let us be alive to the changes, the only constant in all our lives.

What have you felt, seen, experienced today - Have a Simple Awakening Weekend